Rachel's Precaution Reporter #13

"Foresight and Precaution, in the News and in the World"

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Table of Contents Edition

European Parliament OKs Watered-Down Rules on Chemical Safety
  Europe's long-awaited chemicals policy, known as REACH, is enacted, 
  though in substantially-weakened form.
Europe's New REACH Chemicals Policy Is an Important Step Forward
  Europe's precautionary chemicals policy will require safety testing
  of 10,000 common chemicals.
Huge New Health Benefits Claimed for REACH Policy
  Europe's precautionary chemicals policy will pay for itself by
  producing substantial health benefits, which translate into large 
  monetary savings, a study finds.
Right-Wingers Say U.S. Should Not Adopt European Laws
  Europe's REACH chemicals policy will affect U.S. corporations selling 
  in the European market. Right-wing extremists fear that Europe's 
  embrace of a broader precautionary approach will creep across the


  Rachel's Precaution Reporter offers news, views and practical
  examples of the Precautionary Principle, or Foresight Principle, in
  action. The Precautionary Principle is a modern way of making
  decisions, to minimize harm. Rachel's Precaution Reporter tries to
  answer such questions as, Why do we need the precautionary
  principle? Who is using precaution? Who is opposing precaution?

  We often include attacks on the precautionary principle because we  
  believe it is essential for advocates of precaution to know what
  their adversaries are saying, just as abolitionists in 1830 needed
  to know the arguments used by slaveholders.

  Rachel's Precaution Reporter is published as often as necessary to
  provide readers with up-to-date coverage of the subject.

  As you come across stories that illustrate the precautionary 
  principle -- or the need for the precautionary principle -- 
  please Email them to us at rpr@rachel.org.

  Peter Montague - peter@rachel.org
  Tim Montague   -   tim@rachel.org

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Environmental Research Foundation
P.O. Box 160, New Brunswick, N.J. 08903