PU Micah's Mission DA March 15, 2006 HD A response to 'Does God Oppose the Precautionary Principle?' UR http://www.precaution.org/lib/06/christian_principles_and_pp. 060315.htm CM In {RPR #28}, a writer argued that God opposes the precautionary principle if it deters humans from modifying plants with genetic engineering. Here a writer offers a different view of the theology of genetic engineering and the precautionary principle. AU By Jill McElheney [Introduction: In {Rachel's Precaution Reporter #28}, {a writer argued} that God favors humans modifying plants with genetic engineering. In this view, applying the precautionary principle to genetically modified foods would be a theological error. Here a reader responds.] God, the one of Christianity, invites us to "come, let us reason together" and "taste and see that the Lord is good." The Bible is an advocate of Love and Goodness often stating this is how God defines Himself. The writer of the little essay proclaiming genetically modified food may solve world hunger is going out on a limb to label this as loving and good. Every perfect gift comes from above, but can be perverted through lust of profits. Evenly distributing what is available, better known as sharing, is what the Scriptures advocate. The earth has always been bountiful enough. It is a good earth from a good God. Greed is a result of the fallen world, and its consequences is a toxic harmful environment. I believe this is why there will be a new earth according to prophesy of the Bible. Genetically modified food will not change corrupt governments or unethical business practices to all of sudden become upright and care for the starving. We cannot have a heaven on earth at this time in history, still Christians work all over the world to share and feed the hungry in our desire to follow Christ. Would Jesus give mercury contaminated fish to his followers because it satisfied their hunger? I tend to think He would scold the mercury polluters who can afford, and should prevent mercury contamination of the holy temple, which is the human body. Recorded in Scripture on the occasion that Jesus became visibly violent was when unjust weights were being used in commerce at the temple. Now that His Spirit resides in us, we are still to follow his teachings to use just weights in business. Precautionary Principle is a just weight. When we offer prayers of thanks to the Creator at meal times, we are acknowledging His gifts of the natural world that resulted in our being nourished to continue His good work. Yet, we don't expect Him to remove the pesticides that taint our food and cause diseases. He is not responsible for the bad greedy choices of mankind, but still working good through them. Love is not interested in corporate dividends at the expense of unknown detrimental effects. Love treasures what He most values: PEOPLE. The free market system has become dangerously muddy in ethics trampling all over human health just to make an extra buck. I tend to think our knowledge is spiraling upward everyday as we build this new Tower of Babel. Micah's Mission Ministry to Improve Childhood & Adolescent Health P.O. Box 275 Winterville, GA 30683 (t) 706.742.7826 (f) 706.543.1799 website: {http://www.arches.uga.edu/~babuice/MICAH/index.htm} "He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8 {1} http://www.precaution.org/lib/06/rpr28.htm {2} http://www.precaution.org/lib/06/rpr28.htm {3} http://www.acton.org/newsletters/environmental/articles/09-17-04_ ballor.html#_ftn2 {4} http://www.arches.uga.edu/%7Ebabuice/MICAH/index.htm