Rachel's Democracy & Health News #884, December 7, 2006


[Rachel's introduction: For 20 years Rachel's News has been helping you build a just and sustainable world. Now Rachel's needs your help.]

Dear Readers,

We appreciate your loyal readership since 1986. But we need your help to keep Rachel's News free for those who cannot afford to donate. As an independent media outlet we depend on your financial support to keep the computer screens glowing.

A $35 donation covers the cost of one subscriber for a year. Think of all the grassroots activists you can help by making this donation. If you have the means, please consider a $250 donation and we'll send you a free gift: Michael Shuman's new book, The Small-Mart Revolution.

We're celebrating our 20th Anniversary! Since 1986, Rachel's News has been a national and international leader in getting out the real story about dangerous and wasteful technologies like incinerators, nuclear power, landfills, and the many chemical products that harm our health and borrow from future generations. And we are one of a small handful of organizations doggedly promoting better alternatives to risk assessment and business as usual.

If you're like us, you want to leave this world undiminished and undamaged so that future generations can enjoy the good life too.

You can make a secure online donation

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If you have already made a contribution, thank you. Your money is helping thousands of people and communities be better informed. Together we are building a movement for a sustainable future.

Thank you for your support!

Peter Montague, Executive Director

Ed Begley Jr., President of the Board

To donate by phone, call 888-272-2435

Click here for a printable form that you mail or fax.

Your contribution today will help us reach new minds and open new doors for preventing harm to the planet and future generations. So please make an online donation today. Whether its $25 or $500, your contribution makes a huge difference to keeping our small operation going.