
We sure hope to see you at the First National Conference on
Precaution in Baltimore June 9-11; it's going to be memorable. Get
registration materials here.

And there are still a couple of spaces available at our precautionary
principle training in Chicago May 19-21. Get details here.


Rachel's Precaution Reporter #35

"Foresight and Precaution, in the News and in the World"

Wednesday, April 26, 2006............Printer-friendly version
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Table of Contents Edition

Mendocino County Precautionary Principle Policy (Draft)
  The Board of Supervisors of Mendocino County, California has
  drafted a precautionary principle ordinance, which the Board will
  decide whether to adopt on June 27. For a bit of background, see the
  next story in this issue of Rachel's Precaution Reporter.
Mendocino County Supervisors Will Vote On a Precautionary Policy
  This note from Environmental Commons offers some background on
  the Mendocino County, California, precautionary principle ordinance,
  and urges citizens to attend the June 27 meeting in Ukiah, California
  to support a "Yes" vote on precaution by the Mendocino County Board of
IPEN Declaration for a Toxics-free Future
  POPs are persistent organic pollutants -- nasty chemicals that
  persist in the environment, enter food chains, and poison living
  things. Starting on a shoestring in 1998, the International POPs
  Elimination Network (IPEN) succeeded -- against enormous odds -- in
  getting an international treaty adopted, banning a short list of POPs,
  and the door is open to add more POPs to the list. (Naturally the U.S.
  chemical industry has refused to allow the U.S. government to ratify
  the POPs treaty.) Here is a recent statement from IPEN, describing
  what remains to be done to achieve a Toxic Free Future by 2020. Read
  carefully -- many good ideas here.


  Rachel's Precaution Reporter offers news, views and practical
  examples of the Precautionary Principle, or Foresight Principle, in
  action. The Precautionary Principle is a modern way of making
  decisions, to minimize harm. Rachel's Precaution Reporter tries to
  answer such questions as, Why do we need the precautionary
  principle? Who is using precaution? Who is opposing precaution?

  We often include attacks on the precautionary principle because we  
  believe it is essential for advocates of precaution to know what
  their adversaries are saying, just as abolitionists in 1830 needed
  to know the arguments used by slaveholders.

  Rachel's Precaution Reporter is published as often as necessary to
  provide readers with up-to-date coverage of the subject.

  As you come across stories that illustrate the precautionary 
  principle -- or the need for the precautionary principle -- 
  please Email them to us at rpr@rachel.org.

  Peter Montague - peter@rachel.org
  Tim Montague   -   tim@rachel.org

  To start your own free Email subscription to Rachel's Precaution
  Reporter send a blank Email to one of these addresses:

  Full HTML edition: join-rpr-html@gselist.org
  Table of Contents edition: join-rpr-toc@gselist.org

  In response, you will receive an Email asking you to confirm that
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Environmental Research Foundation
P.O. Box 160, New Brunswick, N.J. 08903